Year 1/2
Welcome to Stream Class page!
During the spring term we will be focusing on Explore! We will become geographers and explore the countries of the United Kingdom in Term 3 and then compare the mountainous regions of Scotland with the mountainous regions of Tanzania in Term 4. In addition to this, we will have a two week block of swimming. Please click on the image below to access a copy of our learning this term.
Please note, PE will be on Monday afternoons: please can all pupils come to school in their PE kits on Mondays.
If you have any further questions, please contact us on Class Dojo for general enquiries or via the school enquiries email for enquiries about your child's learning. Thank you.
Term 2 Autumn 2024
During this term, Stream class really enjoyed working on and performing their nativity for family and friends. In addition to this, they enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. They learnt how the fire started, why it spread so quickly, and how the fire was finally extinguished. They also worked hard on their maths exploring shape and the inequality symbols in year 1 and addition and subtraction strategies for two-digit numbers in Year 2. In English, they really enjoyed writing owl fact files after being inspired by the story The owl who was afraid of the dark. They also enjoyed an owl craft challenge time during their afternoon at the park. Year 2 finished the term with more performing, singing for the residents of St Teresa’s in Corston and for their parents at The Pig. Well done for all of your hard work Stream Class!
Term 1 Autumn 2024
Stream Class had a great start to the Autumn Term. They started their Discover enquiry with a visit to Blaise Castle. In addition to this, they learnt how to write a character led narrative and this culminated in everyone in class re-writing their own version of the story with a start, middle and end. In science they learnt about life cycles and the basic needs of animals, and this learning was extended with a visit to meet the animals at The Pig. In DT, they enjoyed learning about mechanisms starting with a mechanism hunt around school, followed by making moving pictures with sliders, spending time at Chelwood exploring levers, axels and wheels, and finally making their own cars with moving axels and wheels. Well done Stream Class!